Family Background: I was born in Lomé the Capital city of Togo in West Africa and was raised by both of my parents in a non-Christian home. When was a child, I used to follow my parents to the village and watch them do sacrifices to idols. But in town we would go to church. When I became a teenager, I went to church sometimes. I tried to be religious but was unhappy. I tried to live my life the best I could according to my understanding of God, hoping that one day He will accept me in Heaven. Unfortunately, I was in sins and lost. I was searching to know for sure where I will spend eternity.
Salvation experience: When I was 15 years old, I received the Lord Jesus-Christ as my personal Lord and savior at the residence of our neighbor across the street who was a Baptist missionary. He came to Togo (Lomé) from America to spread the gospel. There, I heard the true gospel for the first time and gave my life to Jesus. Since Jesus came into my heart, I became a new creature. No more worshiping idols
Calling to missions: Few months later, I was engaged in Sunday school and music activities. In 1980 I put my name on the prayer list of David Fields another missionary because I wanted to become a minister of the gospel. I finished high school and went to the University of Lomé in Togo where I graduated as an advanced medical lab technician. Then I went to Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso to work. I had a well paying job but was not totally satisfied with what I was doing with my life, even though I was serving in a local Baptist church in town. In 1997, I felt that the Lord was calling me to a full time ministry. I prayed about it with my wife. A year later I resigned from my job and came back Togo to serve the Lord. After two years of full time ministry, the Lord opened a door for me to come to the United States. I am now a Graduate of Piedmont Baptist College and Graduate School. My family and I are very excited about this opportunity to go back and serve the Lord.
Our goal is to bring the unsaved in Togo to the saving knowledge of Jesus-Christ through Evangelism, Church planting and leadership training and orphans’ ministries. Since our return in Togo in June 2011, we started Salem Bible Baptist Church (Eglise Baptist Biblique Salem-La paix avec Dieu) in Atiegou.
I received Jesus Christ as my savior in 1982. I was in class with a guy who would later become my husband. One day he brought gospel tracts to class and distributed them to us. Later on, he invited me to a revival meeting at their church which was a Baptist church, but because I was Roman Catholic, I did not want to go. So I planned to leave my house before he came. Instead, he came earlier.
I was trying to find an excuse to escape. I told him that I would like to pay a visit to one of my friends. He said it was a good idea; maybe she would like to go to the church with us. We went to my friend house and I told her that Koffi was inviting us to their church. She said we should go. We went to the church that evening and all the week because there was a revival at the church. We enjoyed the songs which were so lively.
After the first visit, I went to my Catholic Church in the mornings. In the evenings, I went to the Baptist church. I did that until one day, the young guys in the church asked me why I could not come to church in the morning. From then, I went to the Baptist church.
One night in September 1982, everything was obvious to me. I heard the gospel and I realized that I was a sinner (Romans 3:23) and Jesus died for my sins (I Corinthians 15:1-3). I asked Jesus to forgive my sins, and I received Jesus Christ as my Personal Savior and Lord (Ephesians 2:8-9). Since that night, I became a child of God (John3:16). I was baptized by immersion in December 1983. I attend Church and witness to people when I have the opportunity.
I was saved at a young age in Lome, Togo. After coming to America, God began to grow me spiritually. At times, I had doubts about my salvation, but I re-learned and re-assured myself through scripture that all it takes to go to heaven is faith in Christ, that He died for me, and rose again. Now, I desire to serve Him in whatever ministry He calls me.
Samuel was also led to the Lord by his mother on January 25, 2012. During his Bible lesson (which talked about salvation), he asked his mom how he could be saved. He is an energetic boy who loves to count and sing. His favorite candy is snickers and he also likes to play games.